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  • Dimensione File: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS o successivo.




  • Impossible to pair thermometer - app not suitable with latest iOS software

    By Paola-
    After installing the latest iOS software 13.5.1, it’s impossible to pair the thermometer: once you have to enter on the app the code displayed on your thermometer, it’s impossible to dial the numbers: no keyboard appears on the screen (unlike before the upgrading). You urgently need to upgrade the software of your app, otherwise it’s not usable anymore.
  • Not so great

    By Salvia123455677
    In the app you can insert many informations but all of them are noted down with a small point on the date. It’s basically not possible just see only the menstruation or sex. Plus all the articles are in german, how can they be useful for the rest of users!? I even bought the thermometer but the app it's not very effective...I’m not satisfied at all
  • Does not pair with beurer thermometer

    By Likius13
    I bought Beurer thermometer which has a future to pair with Ovy, but Ovy application does not pair with it!
  • App ist super!!!

    By Esther_on
    App ist super, gut wäre jedoch wenn man Symptomen selber erzeugen könnte. Gerne würde ich auch mein Fitbit verbinden, aber das soll wohl Ende des jahres möglich sein.
  • Yay

    By 0000GU
    Diese App ist super kann ich nur weiterempfehlen
