Percent Pro is a tool which allows you to make percent related calculations instantly and effortlessly by simply entering two values. Percent Pro is an app for people who don’t like math :-) --- Everyday calculations --- - simple percentage calculator (20 percent of 80 is 16) - percentage increase/decrease (10 percent decrease from 80 is 72) - tip calculator - discount calculator - convert fractions to percentages (1 / 4 is the same as 25 percent) Percent Pro is useful in many real-life situations: - school (mathematics, statistics, algebra) - business and finance (markup, profit margin, profit, loan payments, cumulative growth, inflation, doubling time, investment return rate, loan interest rate) - shopping (discounts, comparison of two products that differ in quantity) - tipping - cooking (ingredients are often shown in percentages) - health (body mass index, fat percentage in food)