Sqin - Sleep zen & white noise

Sqin - Sleep zen & white noise

By Nadejda Toma

  • Categoria: Health & Fitness
  • Data Rilascio: 2015-10-26
  • Versione Attuale: 2.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 140.08 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Nadejda Toma
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 9.0 o successivo.


“With just the push of a button, you too could be experiencing a deeper, calmer, more powerful level of meditation than you ever thought possible.” Since 1964, over six million people in 111 countries have used the world-famous Silva Centering Meditation Exercise to improve their energy, well-being and quality of life. Are you looking to harness the full power of meditation in your life? We’re sure you’re aware of the benefits of this time-tested and scientifically proven practice—yet for one reason or another, you can’t get meditation to work for you as well as you’d like. Maybe you’ve heard of meditation, but never really bothered about it (until now). Maybe you’ve tried to meditate, but don’t really understand it. Or maybe you’ve been doing meditation for years—but it’s not as easy or effective as you want it to be. Whichever of these categories you fall into, know this—what you’re about to see is by far the most effective tool you’ll ever find to experience a level of meditation that is deeper, calmer and more profound than you ever thought possible.

