Amazon Chime

Amazon Chime

By AMZN Mobile LLC

  • Categoria: Business
  • Data Rilascio: 2017-02-14
  • Versione Attuale: 5.23.3343
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 120.29 MB
  • Sviluppatore: AMZN Mobile LLC
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 15.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 3.44828
Da 29 Voti


Amazon Chime is a new communications service that transforms meetings and video calls with a secure, easy-to-use application that you can trust. With Amazon Chime, you can conduct online meetings, connect with video conferencing, call, chat, and share content easily, both inside and outside your organization. Amazon Chime is available on any device, and your meetings and conversations are always synchronized so that you can stay connected. Key Features: • Tap to join meetings – no more lengthy pin numbers • Video conference calls with high-definition video tiles • Easily control meetings with the visual roster • Tap to share content, view on any device • Chat and chat rooms, with attachments Amazon Chime frees you to work wherever you need to with a single app for all your communications needs. By using Amazon Chime, you agree to the AWS Customer Agreement (visit, AWS Service Terms (visit, and AWS Privacy Notice (visit If you already have an AWS Customer Agreement, you agree that the terms of that agreement govern your installation and use of this product.



  • Chime da aggiornare

    By Davide Bulleri
    Ho notato che con il nuovo aggiornamento a IOS 16 su iPhone 13 Pro, ha problemi a caricare le foto, prima non lo faceva !!! Per il resto è perfetta!!!😉
  • I can’t load pictures/videos on from the app

    By ale19830905
    Please fix this annoying problem that doesn’t let me send picture/videos to other peers. I have an iphone12 with the latest iOS but I know from other people the problem persists on any mobile device. Thanks
  • Capita di scrivere qualcosa su un altra chat

    By ffrancescol~
    Introdurre eliminazione del messaggio inviato per sbaglio !!!!!! Grazie
  • Miglioramenti da apportare

    By fairy_lily
    Per favore introdurre l’opzione che permetta di cancellare dalle chat i messaggi inviati per sbaglio, come è ormai possibile con tutte le altre applicazioni di messaggistica. Grazie
  • Please add a proper telephone ring

    By solarin_81
    Nobody on iOS understands why Chime can only beep to notify incoming calls! It’s very easy to ignore that tiny weak beep and to miss calls!
