

By Teleprompter LLC

  • Categoria: Social Networking
  • Data Rilascio: 2017-05-17
  • Versione Attuale: 3.4.11
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 94.30 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Teleprompter LLC
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 12.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.47712
Da 459 Voti


Do you want to create amazing videos to your Instagram story or any other platform? Share landscape videos without cropping in or add transitions to make your videos more engaging? Then try Infinite stories to make the best videos! With this app, you can: * Post longer videos on your Instagram story * Set the background to a blurred video or a gradient or a solid color or to an image * Add more videos and photos and add transitions * Add transitions * Add music to videos from the cloud or from your iTunes music library * Speed up or slow down videos or parts of it * Set the slicing times to fit Instagram or Facebook or Whatsapp or Snapchat * Set the slicing times manually to avoid the ​cutoff words * Share landscape videos centered on​ the screen * Share landscape videos on the top third of​ the screen for IGTV * Share videos centered on​ the screen with a border * Rotate and place videos as you like * Use Keyframes to set the placing as you want * Set the volume of the videos and the music files * Convert pre-edited videos into story format * Create Instagram and Facebook Story from one video * Create Photos to Instagram Stories, which is not cropped in! Place and resize the photos just as you want * Add labels to the Stories. Perfect for adding titles to landscape videos! Set the exact time position of the labels on the video. * Chose fonts for the labels * Add animations to labels such as slide from the right or fade in and out. * Add photos with Ken Burns effect. * Create horizontal slideshow videos * Create vertical slideshow videos * Create faded slideshow videos * Much more to come Infinite Stories is one of the leading Story Creating platforms on iOS and I'm working on it really hard to make it perfect for Influencers. If you have any suggestions, please email me! Terms of use and EULA:



  • Si blocca

    By checazdinik
    Regista video a bassa velocità
  • Test

    By Amarda31984
    Devo ancora provarlo
  • Nice

    By hahha!!??
    Nice app
  • Review

    By Ryjjbro99
    Still haven’t used the app
  • Da provare!

    By Tanux87
    App ancora da provare, aggiornerò questa recensione al termine delle prove!
  • The one&only

    By christian__peccolo
    Number One
  • La adoroo!

    By 1212343423
    Davvero super utile ed efficiente. Mi trovo benissimo
  • Ottimo lavoro!

    By RossMarieMichelle
    La utilizzo sopratutto per postare video lunghi sulle stories di Instagram e devo dire che funziona davvero benissimo: si carica il video sull’app, questa lo suddivide in tanti piccoli spezzoni da 15 secondi ciascuno e li salva direttamente in galleria così poi si è pronti per postare il video scaglionato! Bella anche l’opportunità di modificare il video con scritte, adesivi e musica!! Eccezionale ❤️
  • Non funziona nulla

    By alicekata26
    Se hai la versione gratuita non funziona nulla
  • Good

    By Numero magico 21
