Check luggage before any trip and don’t forget to include essentials. Travel Packing Checklists is a smart travel tool which reminds you to take items for wide array of categories by providing you with simple checklists. Explore our checklists, check items, or add your own items – simply enjoy flawless luggage organization! PACKING LIST CATEGORIES Create packing list for every type of trip like business, private or leisure. For each trip you can add specific categories of checklists, since the types of the trip require specific travel essentials. It’s indeed an easy to use and practical packing travel reminder. THING'S PRIORITY For each thing you can specify the priority! This is displayed by the color of the point. Just three colors. Things in the list are arranged by priority, then alphabetically. ADD QUANTITY Enjoy general checklists of about 200 items. Then use or remove any of them. Make your travel checklist custom by adding your own lists, categories and new things. Sort and edit it per your own liking. Alternatively, add quantity for any item of your choosing (like number of shirts, jeans, shoes). ADVANCED CONTROL OF YOUR PACKING LISTS Make use of different types of lists like actual, basic, archive. Create a basic list, then start a new one and include that same basic list. Additionally, prioritize your luggage items by high, low or usual, and make final packing decisions much easier. SHARE LUGGAGE LISTS Traveling with your partner or friend? Using only 1 big baggage? Share lists with your friends by e-mail and make final travel essentials list. Now it’s the time to organize your travel adventures smarter and better. Our Travel Packing Checklists is handy for any type of travel. Get it now and have less stressful and more joyful travels by getting all items you need for perfect enjoyment.