

By Dirk Holtwick

  • Categoria: Productivity
  • Data Rilascio: 2018-09-08
  • Versione Attuale: 4.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 14.36 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Dirk Holtwick
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 10.14 o successivo.


PDFify creates searchable PDF for more than 100 languages. Now also as PDF/A-2u, popular for long-term archiving. PDFify can also reduce the file size. Not only existing PDF can be converted into searchable PDF, but also images, scans, screenshots, emails, web pages and more. Just drag your files to PDFify and the rest happens automatically. Batch processing: Finder Quick Actions allow you to quickly process multiple files in one go: - Create searchable PDF - Convert to PDF/A - Optimize PDF size Powerful functions make it easy to add new pages to the PDF: - Intuitive scanner dialog - Use your iPhone camera as a scanner - Take screenshots directly from the app - Choose PDFify as destination for your ScanSnap scans - Paste pages directly from the clipboard PDFify is completed by other useful features: - Have the computer read the content aloud - Optimization of the file size through three-stage compression of the PDF file - Copy all text content with one click - Share, save or print the finished PDF - Overwrite the existing file or create a new one when performing Quick Actions - optional faster display of a linearized PDF on the web, which is optimized for fast display on the Internet - Display in original size or limited to DIN A4 or US letter - UNDO function to undo work steps In addition to Apple's integrated text recognition Apple Vision, the proven alternative "Tesseract" is also supported. By subscribing, you're also helping us to develop PDFify further. If there's anything you think we've missed, please get in touch. You can view our terms of use at https://pdfify.app/en/license.

