Anova Oven

Anova Oven

By Anova Culinary

  • Categoria: Food & Drink
  • Data Rilascio: 2020-08-18
  • Versione Attuale: 1.1.7
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • Dimensione File: 66.57 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Anova Culinary
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 13.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.06667
Da 15 Voti


The Anova Precision® Oven is the first combi oven with pro-level features designed specifically for the home cook. Paired with the Anova Oven app, you’ll enjoy a fully connected cooking experience and the most advanced features of the Oven. Break out of your everyday cooking routine with inspiration from the step-by-step recipes developed specifically for the Anova Precision Oven. With the connected app, you can start cooking with a single button press and the Wi-Fi enabled Oven will preheat to your recipe’s recommended settings. As your food cooks, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your timers and food probe readings remotely, and notifications will alert you when it’s time for the next hands-on step. If you want to cook freestyle, you can create your own multi-stage cooking programs in the app. Define the oven settings for each stage of cooking and the transitions between stages to build stress-free, no-compromise recipes for all of your favorite foods. Your cook history is stored automatically so you can replay your past cooks, or share your recipes with the community. Features: - Explore our library of recipes created specifically for the Anova Precision Oven. These recipes span meals, cuisine types, and cooking techniques to educate and inspire you to create your own new dishes. - Learn step-by step techniques by following along with clear photos and easy-to-read instructions from top recipe creators. - Start cooking any recipe with a single tap. The cook settings are sent to your oven directly. - Monitor your cook by watching real time temperature and timer readings. View the oven’s temperature and steam settings, and even monitor the core temperature of your food when using the included food probe. - Go freestyle with manual cooking. You can start cooking from the app, or from the oven itself, without relying on specific recipes. - Make adjustments on the fly. If dinner is ready but you’re not, add a holding stage to your cook so your food remains at its best. - Create multi-stage recipes. Most foods have more that one cooking goal, like achieving juicy meat and crispy skin. Separate your cooking into multiple oven stages to optimize for each goal, like the pros do. With full control over oven functions and the ability to transition automatically based on timer or probe targets, true multi-stage, combi cooking is finally available for home cooks. - View your cook history. It’s like having a DVR for your Oven — recipes and manual cooking sessions are automatically saved to your history, making it easy to revisit your favorites.



  • Quando non si collega più, non si riesce a risolvere

    By Pierluigi B.
    Il forno ha funzionato per mesi poi improvvisamente non si connetteva più (stesso problema di altri). Chiesto intervento assistenza, solo prove inutili da generico sistemista. Non ho “riavviato la casa” ma ho provato tutto quello che mi ha proposto. L’unica soluzione sarebbe quella di eliminare il dispositivo dal profilo ma questa funzione fornisce errore. Invece di correggere il baco mi hanno proposto di cancellare il profilo, comprese le ricette.
  • La app non funziona più regolarmente

    By Alessio.asf
    Dopo molto tempo di onorato servizio da 5 stelle, improvvisamente la app ha smesso di funzionare regolarmente (su più apparati). Quasi impossibile gestire il forno manualmente, la app va in cash e visualizza una schermata bianca. Anche per lanciare ricette pre impostate spesso sono costretto a forzare la chiusura della app e riaprirla più volte finché non riesco ad andare avanti. Ho provato a reinstallare la app da zero ma senza risultati. Ho scritto al supporto ma per adesso 1 stella è anche troppo.
  • Persa connessione con il forno

    By Manols
    Si è scollegato dal wi-fi e non si riconnette più. A quando la possibilità di inserire più di 1 forno?
