SeeYou Navigator

SeeYou Navigator

By Naviter

  • Categoria: Navigation
  • Data Rilascio: 2020-06-17
  • Versione Attuale: 3.1.4
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 78.45 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Naviter
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 14.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.16667
Da 6 Voti


Want to fly light-weight? Just going for a quick flight or two and don’t want all the heavy equipment? Install SeeYou Navigator on your iPhone and let it record the flight for you. Simple to use – Works just like other apps that you know Safety first – Helps maintain safe final glide to landing places nearby Live data – complements your other flight electronics with live weather and traffic data Connect to external instruments via Bluetooth - share and use data with your instruments in the cockpit Upload to OLC, WeGlide, XContest - claim your flight right after you land directly from the app Fly a Task - Full support for gliding, paragliding and hang-gliding tasks Main features: - Personalize screen layout - Navigate to target or around a task - Airspace warnings - Full-suite of Navboxes for cross country flights - Thermal assistant - Rain Radar layer - Live Open Glider Network traffic layer - SeeYou Logbook - Support for Bluetooth LE flight instruments - Integration with TopMeteo weather forecasts - Integration with SkySight forecasts - Upload to online contests

