Style Studio by Smule

Style Studio by Smule

By Smule

  • Categoria: Music
  • Data Rilascio: 2020-10-13
  • Versione Attuale: 1.4.9
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • Dimensione File: 133.62 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Smule
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 14.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 1.55556
Da 9 Voti


Ready to transform your Smule singing performances into full productions? With Style Studio, you can unlock your creative potential with one-of-a-kind audio and video Styles to use in Smule. Show off your creativity and set your performances apart. Style Studio is the companion app to Smule, the social karaoke singing app. In Style Studio, you can create Styles that work as templates, made up of fun audio and visual effects that enhance any Smule recording. Music and singing is at the center of Styles and so you’ll notice that songs are pre-segmented—chorus, bridge, verse, etc, and you apply effects to those segments to create your Style. When you create a Style, you’re building your own unique look and sound that can be applied to any song while you record in Smule. If your audience loves the Styles you’ve added, they can use them for their own karaoke performances, too! Create your Style based on your own preferences and publish to use it on your next Smule recording. Want to change something or try again? Continue to make new Styles as often as you want and publish them to be seen and shared with the global singing community! Each time your Style is shared, your creative vision is brought to life and inspires others to connect with you and your performance. FEATURES Add unique effects to each song segment: intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge, and outro or apply one effect to multiple segments—you’re the producer! Change the tone of songs instantly with audio options like grunge, super pop, indie, opera, and more! Use layouts and transitions to highlight epic moments in your performance. Blur, blend, and add contrast with different lens choices. Create bursts of energy through fireworks, streaks of light, and flashing neon symbols. Transform the look and sound of any recording in Smule by creating with Styles, that work as templates of fun audio and visual effects that enhance any Smule recording. Download the free Style Studio app now to create your first Style and share your creativity with the world! Not sure what Styles will look like? Download the Smule app and watch a few performances to see what it’s all about. You can sing to your favorite hits and meet friends through the power of music and creativity. Jump into the Style Studio and customize the vibe you want for a couple or all of your performances. You’ll have a pre-loaded performance to play with or can use one of your own Smule performances to help you find what works for you. Once you’ve created a Style, you can use it in Smule while you record your solo, duet, or group performance with added, epic effects. Download the Style Studio to create your first Style and use Smule to see it in action on your performances.



  • Pessimo

    By Serelit
    Veramente trash!! Audio pessimo! Prima in 2 secondi regolavi il volume... ora troppe segate... anche i filtri fanno piangere! 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
  • Pecca di tutto

    By Elpibe-10
    Ho provato ad usare questa app, ho creato il mio effetto, in smule si vede ma l’icona dov’è? Poi vorrei capire per modificare o cancellare l’effetto, dove e come si fa? Molto povera di contenuti, speriamo in una spiegazione e un update
  • Mi spiace ma è orrendo!

    By Jeko.88
    Pensavo sarebbe migliorato solo il video non che anche la scelta degli audio e effetti fosse diventato così complicato, oltre al fatto che quando canti la voce te la senti a scoppio ritardato... e quindi non riesci a cantare come si deve a meno che non togli completamente il volume mentre canti! Mi spiace ma non ci siamo per niente...faccio fatica a cantare e non si riesce a regolare bene gli audio.. troppe cose aggiunte e inutili a mio parere...prima era più semplice aprire un OC veloce in 5 minuti con video ecc... ora non riuscendoci sto cantando addirittura di meno... vi prego toglietelo e ritornate come prima o per lo meno rendetelo più semplice... grazie !
