Runestone Text Editor

Runestone Text Editor

By Simon B. Støvring

  • Categoria: Developer Tools
  • Data Rilascio: 2022-05-05
  • Versione Attuale: 1.5.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 63.86 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Simon B. Støvring
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 15.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.67347
Da 49 Voti


A plain text editor with syntax highlighting, line numbers, search and replace, page guide, and much more. It's like TextEdit but more powerful and optimised for iPhone and iPad. Runestone is made by a single person with a love for text editors and a vision of building the most lightweight text editor for iPhone and iPad that still has the core features for editing code. Features: - Syntax highlighting of many languages including HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, Swift, Python, PHP, YAML, and many more. - Select one of the twelve standard themes including popular themes like Tomorrow, Dracula, Solarized, and One Dark Pro. - Innovative find and replace for searching and modifying text while still viewing your file. - Choose font and font size, including support for custom fonts imported using another third-party app. - Show the line and column the cursor is located on. - Uses the standard document browser for an experience similar to the Files app. - Quickly navigate to a specific line. - Automatically close opening brackets and quotes. - Multiple windows on the iPad. - Format code using Prettier.js. Supported languages include CSS,HTML, JavaScript, JSON, PHP and more. - Choose text encoding between popular encodings like UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO Latin 1, and many more. - Enable or disable autocorrection, autocapitalization, and smart punctuation. - Set default file extension of new files. - Open files in Runestone from the Share Sheet. - Print documents. Premium features: - Choose between eight app icons. - Show line numbers. - Highlight the selected line. - Increase line height and letter spacing. - Disable line wrapping to allow horizontal scrolling. - Show tabs, spaces, and line breaks using a selected symbol. - Enable page guide at a specific column to easily tell when lines are getting too long. - Add vertical and horizontal overscroll. - Remember the selected language per file. - Save file extensions and filenames that should always be treated as plain text files. - Enable soft tabs and choose the width of the tab character. - Specify whether pressing the tab key should insert a tab or indent the line. - Adjust the scaling of Markdown headings and disable highlighting of code blocks in Markdown. Runestone was built on the open-source framework with the same name. Find more information on the Runestone framework at



  • Eccellente

    By Fhox__
    Applicazione ottima, non ho riscontrato problemi, fa tutto quello che deve fare e lo fa bene. 5 stelle meritate.
  • Questa è Apple

    By KATULLO11
    Quando la gente mi chiede perché ho un iPhone rispondo che, più del dispositivo in sé, a fare la differenza per me è la comunità di sviluppatori indipendenti e dedicati come questo.
  • Nice, but useless for translations

    By Steven Luotto
    Translations are editing on steroids. Basically the grind is: read a portion of the original, tap in the new, then forward delete the old, move on to the next portion of original, and so on and so forth until reaching (in Italian) "Fine" (The End). Lots of forward deletion. But that is only the beginning of the end, because at that point, one takes the job (in my case a movie script or treatment) to the top and then proceeds to spiff it up from the top back to the bottom. And that too entails lots of editing. Lots and lots Runestone doesn't even have the equivalent of DEL. I don't see an extra keyboard row... And most tragically, all operations on handheld flatscreens (in my case) are connected to selection. "Finger-painting" on the screen is absurdly primitive. What an anomaly! Amazing bells and whistles (truly admirable stuff), paired with …place thy pudgy thumb on yonder screen and drag mini-handle up to and excluding the value thou wishest TO CONNECT TO... and then hit backspace to effectuate a (gulp!) forward deletion. Hint: the deletion part of editing is almost always about connection and not about word destruction. Well anyway... So this fine app, which I bet is fantastic for programmers (my next life) is a real dud for editing-heavy text jobs. Highlighting to delete in Anno Domini 2022? Bad bad bad... But I bought it and paid for the full version and will use it from time to time, hoping to be proven wrong, hoping for some "app magic"... I'm sure it's there... but I bet it's for programmers and not for writer/editors
  • Inaccettabile

    By EugenioAiello
    Cercavo un’applicazione che potesse sincronizzarsi con Google Drive e modificare i file txt salvati lì senza passare da altre applicazioni. All’inizio funzionava benissimo, quindi ho deciso di acquistare la versione completa. Da circa una settimana a questa parte succede una cosa veramente fastidiosa: dopo una mezz’oretta di utilizzo, si può ancora scrivere, ma nel momento in cui si cerca di uscire dal documento o fare qualsiasi altra cosa l’applicazione diventa inutilizzabile, non risponde ai comandi e se si cerca di riaprirla crasha. L’unica soluzione è quella di riavviare l’iPad, dopo il riavvio si apre tranquillamente, ma tutto il lavoro che hai fatto prima che l’applicazione decidesse di fare i capricci non c’è più. Assolutamente inaccettabile, ho perso ore di lavoro per questo motivo. Fatevi un favore e rivolgetevi su altro.
  • Beautiful!

    By Alsndr22
    Great text editor! Hope that will arrive also a version for Mac!
