The Xinhua Dictionary is the first modern Chinese dictionary in the People’s Republic of China. It is the bestseller with over 600 million copies print run and a must-have Chinese dictionary for every primary student in China. The Xinhua Dictionary (Chinese-English) presents the accurate English translation of all the Chinese entries, including 13000 characters and 3300 words in The Xinhua Dictionary. The Xinhua Dictionary (Chinese-English) APP is officially produced by The Commercial Press, and is developed and supported by Wanyouzhidian (Beijing) Digital Media Technology Co., Ltd. The APP contains all the full entries in The Xinhua Dictionary (Chinese-English) print version and the practical functions with the following characteristics: 1. providing three indexing methods: pinyin, strokes and radicals; 2. supporting the search of the Chinese characters and pinyin; 3. supporting the search of English keywords, based on explanation sub-entries and examples; 4. providing the audio pronunciation of the headwords and the dynamic writing demonstration; 5. providing the attributes of each Chinese character, such as its level, radical, stroke and structure format; 6. displaying in distinctively structured sections, presented with personalized options; 7. building into Collection folder the Chinese character list of the latest "Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education"(HSK). 《新华字典》是新中国第一本现代汉语字典,至今累计发行6亿余册,是中国小学生必备的汉语学习工具书。 《新华字典》(汉英双语版)完整收录汉语全文,含单字13000多个,以字统词,注解词语3300多个,配以精准的英文对译,以双语版形式全新展现。 《新华字典》(汉英双语版)APP完整收纳纸书的正文条目内容,由商务印书馆官方出版发行,万有知典(北京)数字传媒科技有限公司提供客户和技术服务支持。本APP主要有以下特点: 1.提供汉语拼音、笔画、部首三种索引方式; 2.支持基于词条、汉语拼音部分的相关关键词检索; 3.支持基于释义、例证部分的英文关键词检索; 4.每个词条均提供真人发音,常用汉字附有动态书写演示; 5.每个词条均附有字级、部首、笔画、结构等汉字属性信息; 6.词条内容分区展示,结构清晰,支持释文版式个性化设置; 7.收藏夹内置最新《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(HSK)汉字表。