YubePiP: PiP Video Player

YubePiP: PiP Video Player

By Actowise LLC

  • Categoria: Entertainment
  • Data Rilascio: 2021-11-12
  • Versione Attuale: 7.1
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • Dimensione File: 28.83 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Actowise LLC
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 15.0 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.64139
Da 488 Voti


YubePiP plays YouTube videos Picture in Picture. It enables background audio-only playback. It also allows you to play two videos at the same time, one in full screen and another in PiP. You can open 3 instances of the YouTube web app and browse the video separately. • Play YouTube videos picture in picture • Play the videos in the background with your screen locked. • A set of powerful PiP Tools • [Pro] YouTube ad blocker



  • un sacco di pubblicità

    By stanloonaauw
    ogni 10-30 secondi sta a mettermele pubblicità fino a 30 secondi
  • Premium subscription

    By taddyhifi
    For some reason my lifetime Premium ad free membership which i had payed for was cancelled. Cheers.
  • Non

    By Scofrance82
  • non funziona

    By Tiziaacasomoltocoolefangirl
  • diamond version

    By Qazipur
    I have purchased diamond version but until I see the ads why? Meaning I lose my money
  • Why buy YouTube premium

    By 016472
    Literally what I’ve been searching for ages, UI is clean, the app features are all really useful, and the pro version is a ONE TIME PAYMENT, quite the rare thing to see, especially in this day and age. My only concern is that maybe the app may have to shutdown in the future due to YouTube’s terms and service but until then make sure to use this app to the fullest.
  • buono ma

    By Fraska_
    non comprate la versione senza pubblicità, non potrete usare la modalità PiP, la risoluzione partirà sempre a 360 per un massimo di 720
  • Thanks!!

    By luke-uppx
    Solved easily, tnx again.
  • Eccezionale

    By raf8924
    Veramente ottima
  • Mi potreste aiutare

    By Pasquale paco
    Io vorrei spostare il video al centro dello schermo ma poi me lo mette al angolo mi aiutate pls?
