This LCM and GCF Calculator App is developed for all those students who find it difficult in calculating LCM and GCF in mathematic homework. LCM stands for “Least Common Multiple”, where GCF stands for “Greatest Common Factor”. LCM refers to a number that is commonly dividable for all the numbers in a set without leaving a remainder behind. For example, Multiples of 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12… Multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and so on… From the above-mentioned 2 sets of multiples, 4 is the least common multiple. Thus, we can say that the LCM of 2 and 4 is 4. While, GCF is the largest number that divides two or more numbers is the GCF for those numbers. For example, Taking numbers 30 (2 x 3 x 5), 45 (3 x 3 x 5). So, 3 is the largest number that divides each of these numbers and is GCF of these numbers. These calculations seem pretty easy in doing right? But in cases when you have to deal with the biggest sets of numbers, this app comes in handy. It is a simple app that takes no time in finding LCM and GCF, thus making your calculations faster. Methods of finding LCM and GCF: There are three commonly used methods of finding LCM and GCF; 1.Prime Factorization method 2.Division method 3. Listing the least multiples App features: 1.Lightweight interface 2. Accurate results 3. Quick calculations 4. Easy to use 5. Completely free to download 6. Support all three methods of finding LCM How to use this app? The process of using this LCM and GCF calculator app is simpler than you think. Step 1: Put the numbers in the respective input field of the app. Step 2: Next after selecting the type of method you want to choose tap on the button “calculate” to get your results. Step 3: Last of all, the LCM and GCF of the provided numbers will be showed to you on your mobile screen. The formula for finding LCM and GCF: Let’s take x and y two positive integers and you need to find out its LCM and LCF LCM (X, Y) = X × Y / GCD (X, Y) Where GCD is the greatest common divisor or GCF of the numbers X and Y. This easy formula can be employed to get the accurate answer while dealing with LCM and GCF manually. Uses of LCM and GCF Calculator App: The concept of applying LCM and GCF of two numbers originates with the most basic mathematical functions such as addition and subtraction on fractional values. In basic math contexts where we paired two things against each other, the LCM and GCF value is beneficial in optimizing the quantities of the provided items. Also, in software engineering, the LCM and GCF of integers helps develop encoded messages using cryptographic techniques. So, why are you wasting time by doing lengthy and hectic calculations by yourself when you have this amazing app in your hand?