

By CentreforceIT Pty Ltd

  • Categoria: Business
  • Data Rilascio: 2023-09-20
  • Versione Attuale: 1.2.374
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 36.84 MB
  • Sviluppatore: CentreforceIT Pty Ltd
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 13.4 o successivo.


SureStore customers can access their account via our App. Our SureStore App makes it easy for you to check your account, view receipts and invoices, make payments anywhere, anytime. Once you have successfully verified your ID the app will grant you access to your unit giving your you unique access code. Serving the Midlands and the North of England, SureStore offers industry leading self storage facilities for a range of domestic and commercial purposes. SureStore brings you outstanding customer service as well as a dynamic and innovative approach to the flexible storage solutions we offer. SureStore has a space solution for everyone.

