Muscle System Pro III

Muscle System Pro III

By 3D4Medical from Elsevier

  • Categoria: Medical
  • Data Rilascio: 2010-04-03
  • Versione Attuale: 3.8.3
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 850.02 MB
  • Sviluppatore: 3D4Medical from Elsevier
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 9.3 o successivo.
Punteggio: 4.71429
Da 7 Voti


 - Muscle System Pro III is used by most universities and is now the standard learning/reference tool for students and medical professionals. - MUSCLE SYSTEM PRO III is a multi-award winning app. - Featured at WWDC 2012: ‘Making a Difference one App at a Time’. - App Store’s Top 10 Essentials for iPad apps in the Medical Category. - App Store’s Top 5 Patient Education apps for Healthcare Professionals. - App Store’s Top 10 for the Anatomical Reference Category. PRESS REVIEWS: 
"The professional apps by 3D4Medical are rapidly becoming the de facto choice for anatomy visualization on the iPad. Muscle System Pro III is no exception."
 - iMedicalapps.
 "Muscle System Pro III is a great option for users who wish to have a completely customizable human anatomy app." – Apps on Tapp 
"This is a 3D powerhouse of interactive anatomy that every doctor, chiropractor, nurse practitioner and massage therapist should own, not to mention every medical student or anyone interested in human anatomy."
 - Tuaw
 "The images really are stunning when seen on the iPad." – Clinical journal of Sports Medicine Blog. 

 - 360 horizontal degree rotation of any body part - with a swipe of your finger. - Rotate vertically for inferior and superior for unique views where applicable. - 10 layers of superficial and deep muscle. - New 3D level with insertion / origin points mapped onto bone. - 215 animations of every movement of each articulation (flexion, extension, etc.) - 425 audio pronunciations, for every label. - Draw on any screen image and then share it through email, Facebook or Twitter. - 2 types of Quiz, Drag and Drop and Multi-choice - with ability to test on specific areas or muscles. NEW FUNCTIONALITY:
 - Interface: Completely rebuilt to allow for simple navigation. - Mix layers: Make one layer semitransparent to compare against another layer. - Public Notes: Post or browse through shared public notes. - Graphical Hints: On screen hints that can be turned on or off, for a complete understanding of all the app's features. OVERVIEW: Muscle System Pro III’s primary use is as a learning tool but it can also be used as a fast and innovative reference tool by utilizing the index function that allows the user to select a muscle and the app will automatically zoom in and identify it. Additionally, this app is ideal for physicians, educators or professionals, in helping to locate a muscle and / or explain its relevance for certain conditions, ailments and injuries.

 MORE FROM 3D4MEDICAL: - Heart Pro III - Interactive Cardiology - Brain & Nervous System Pro III - Interactive Neuroanatomy - Skeletal System Pro III - Interactive Osteology - Spine Pro III – Interactive Chiropractic App - Orthopedic Patient Education – Interactive Orthopedics - Specialized Body Region Apps OTHER 3D4MEDICAL APPS ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE HEALTH & FITNESS CATEGORY ON THE APP STORE: - iMuscle – Workout aid and anatomical reference - iYoga Premium – Ground breaking motion capture yoga app 3D4MEDICAL'S COMMITMENT: We take pride in our apps at 3D4Medical and continually strive to engage with our customers. From the first edition of Muscle System Pro, we have consistently listened to our users and upgraded out apps continually and throughout.

 Email us via the App Feed Back address below to engage with our development process:



  • Ottima applicazione

    By lucadimattia
    L'applicazione è particolarmente utile nello studio dell'anatomia. Particolarmente indicato in posturologia...peccato non sia tradotto.

    By FabIphone4
    Bellissima app ma come quella delle ossa manca della lingua ITALIANA per le 5*!!!
  • Ottima ma....

    By Luppolo1982
    Ottima app per utilizzo professionale e non. Molto semplice ed intuitiva con la chicca del quiz, utile e simpatico. Unica ma MOLTO RILEVANTE nota negativa, l'assenza della lingua italiana!! Un aggiornamento a breve per favoreeee!!!
  • Molto utile

    By Fabiotopia
    La sto usando insieme all'app sul sistema scheletrico. Questa é anche meglio.
  • Davvero ben fatta!

    By Danylove81
    L'applicazione è spettacolare nonché utilissima per imparare la bio meccanica muscolare in modo pratico. Anche per un ripasso veloce non è male. Unica pecca: assenza della lingua Italiana! Per favore inseritela e, se possibile, metterò 10 stelle!!!
  • Complema

    By Cianfry <3
    Molto completa e utile ma nn capisco xkè dato quello ke ho speso e avendo un iphone nn posso averlo gratis x l iphone ma devo pagare ancora 6€. Se nn fosse per questo avrei dato 5 stelle
  • Perfetta

    By Agosss
    Veramente perfetta, precisa e dettagliata. Il fatto poi di poter togliere i muscoli superficiali è fantastico!
  • Altissima definizione!!!

    By Kricio
    Vado in sala operatoria da 3 anni ... Mai mi ero fatto un'idea cosí chiara come usando quest'App!!! Stu pen da!!!
  • Utile

    By Spleenbiot
    Molto utile affiancata ai normali libri contesto per la preparazione della parte di miologia, anche a Medicina! Peccato per la traduzione italiana mancante Descrizioni precise e sempre esatte
