

By Bare Bones Software, Inc.

  • Categoria: Developer Tools
  • Data Rilascio: 2011-01-05
  • Versione Attuale: 15.1.4
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 28.95 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Bare Bones Software, Inc.
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 11.0 o successivo.


BBEdit is the leading professional text, code, and markup editor for the Macintosh. As the "go to" tool for web site designers, web application developers, writers, and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text, code, and HTML/XML markup. As a replacement for TextWrangler, BBEdit is built by the same developers, using the same award-winning technology, and is identical to TextWrangler in every way you're used to. BBEdit is Apple Silicon native, and compatible with macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura. An intelligent interface provides easy access to BBEdit’s best-of-class features, including: grep pattern matching; search and replace across multiple files; project definition tools; function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages; code folding; FTP and SFTP open and save; AppleScript, Automator, and Shortcuts support; Unix scripting support; text and code completion; a complete set of robust HTML tools; and more. BBEdit offers a 30-day evaluation period (beginning the first time you use it on your computer), during which its full feature set is available. During the evaluation period, BBEdit is fully functional. After the evaluation period has expired, you can continue to use BBEdit for free, forever, with no nag screens or unsolicited interruptions. In “free mode”, BBEdit provides a modified set of features, which incorporates a powerful set of core features. Using BBEdit in free mode costs you nothing, while providing an upgrade path to advanced features and capabilities. To enable BBEdit’s advanced features after the evaluation period is over, you will need to have an active BBEdit subscription. Subscriptions are available on either a monthly or annual basis. An active subscription gives you access to all of BBEdit’s advanced features, including any new features that we introduce during updates or major upgrades, for as long as the subscription is in good standing. Please see our comparison chart for a detailed listing of which advanced features are available with a subscription. Subscription terms and conditions: We do not collect any data from your use of BBEdit, whether or not a subscription is in effect. Your interactions with BBEdit and with Bare Bones Software, Inc. are protected by our privacy policy. Your use of BBEdit is governed by the terms of its end-user license. When you purchase a subscription, payment will be charged to your iTunes Account upon confirmation of purchase. Your subscription will renew automatically, unless you cancel your subscription at least 24 hours prior to the end of the currently active subscription period. Your iTunes Account will be charged for the renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the currently active subscription period, and your account history will reflect the cost of the renewal. You can manage your subscription and cancel automatic renewal by going to your "Manage my Subscriptions" page after purchase. Purchasing a subscription will permanently end your evaluation period, and forfeits any unused portion of the evaluation period, if applicable. For the full text of the BBEdit end user license for Mac App Store customers, please visit this page on our web site:



  • Excellent

    By Giancarlo Albertazzi
    By far the best text editor I've ever seen. Incredible performance on search and replace. I love this application!
  • Discreto

    By Andrea Mu$ic
    Lo trovo poco intuitivo ed un po' difficile da usare. Preferisco utilizzare CotEditor per esempio.
  • Il migior editor di testo in assoluto

    By Rudy Waltz
    Probabilmente, se si lavora con il puro testo, questo è IL programma per cui vale la pena usare MacOs e non Linux o Windows.
  • versione base gratuita

    By sholze
    La uso per il mio sito web, è gratutita e senza pubblicità, per questo 5 stelle
  • Troppo basico

    By inDaves
    Almeno potrebbe aiutarti nella auto compilazione...
  • Tankyou

    By G.DionisiVici
    All is ok!
  • Cambio di rotta

    By 1802
    Rispetto alla versione 9 questa nuova 10.x ha cambiato un po le regole: alcuni comandi, in particolare sui tag HTML e CSS, sono diventati molto più elastici e potenti, ma alle volte meno pratici per le operazioni spiccie. L'App resta fantastica per tutte le cose che fa e per l'approccio minimalista e ottimale, tuttavia una rottura più morbida con il passato sarebbe stata più salutare per gli utenti. Alle volte gli sviluppatori dimenticano che il loro lavoro serve a facilitare il nostro, non il contrario.
  • Non acquistate BBEdit da App Store

    By Clarc Gabble
    A parte i command-line tools, che si possono comunque installare a parte, manca il supporto per la modifica dei file che richiedono autenticazione: "Authenticated open and save is not possible in versions of BBEdit purchased from the Mac App Store. If you desire this capability, please purchase BBEdit directly from us." Se aggiungiamo che ogni aggiornamento di BBEdit è disponibile su App Store giorni se non settimane dopo, mi sento di consigliare l'acquisto direttamente da BareBones. Cinque stelle perché BBEdit è fantastica.
  • Nessun titolo

    By Pigall
    Rispetto alla versione venduta dal produttore sul suo sito mancano i Command Line Tools i quali non sono inclusi (così vuole Apple) tuttavia è possibile andare sul sito del produttore e scaricarli a parte. Cito testualmente dal sito: Command-Line Tools Installer – Copies of BBEdit purchased from the Mac App Store do not include the bbedit, bbdiff, and bbfind command-line tools, in order to comply with Apple’s submission guidelines. We have prepared a stand-alone installer which you can download here...
