This app is a great resource to memorize Tools And Equipment . The app is engineered to make users perfect identifying tools And equipment by studying for a very short amount of time. Audio functionality and bookmarking is available throughout the app on chapter, section, study mode and quiz modes. The app will help you learn the correct pronunciation of tools and equipment using English language. Following are the main features of this app 1. Supports pronouncing Tools and Equipment in English Language 2. Uses Text to Speech Engine for Audio Functionality 3. Quizzes 4. Study Mode 5. Bookmarking Study Flashcards and Quiz Questions 6. Progress Indicators for Every Chapter 7. Visualization for Overall Progress Currently following tools and equipment are supported. Drills Saws Power Sanders Nail Guns Power Ratchet Sets Lathes Compressor (Air Tools) Air Tools Hammers Pliers Ladders Wrenches Clamps Types of Measurement Tools Tool belts Axes Chisels Nails Screws Lug nuts Drywall anchors Types of Gardening tools Shovels Digging tools Lawn edging Pruning Tools Bonsai tree growing tools Tree trimming tools Lawn tools Hardwood flooring installation tools Tile flooring Cabinet making tools Fireplace tools Drywall tools Gutter cleaning Plumbing tools Concrete tools Painting tools Paint removal tools Wood cutting tools Piano tuning tools Wallpapering tools Carpeting tools Vinyl siding tools Sanding tools Picture framing tools Foam cutting tools Grout removal tools Leather cutting tools Brick laying tools