

By Aleksandr Kurdiukov

  • Categoria: Productivity
  • Data Rilascio: 2023-04-11
  • Versione Attuale: 1.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 811.00 kB
  • Sviluppatore: Aleksandr Kurdiukov
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 15.0 o successivo.


Description: - Sandwich app helps you to make a simple decision: - basically, it composes an object, combining randomly picked components from given options - Create an object with components, and for each component declare possible options (may contain an image) - Press start and you'll get a random option for each component of the selected object Use cases: - If you want someone to choose for you one item in several categories: - For example, making decisions in weekly meals, everyday clothing, games, weekend activities, and others. - Imagine you are creating a random sandwich: for each component (bread, main content, salad, and sauce) one option will be randomly picked Instruction: Setup game (setup buttons): - "Options": Select a number of options that will be randomly picked for each component - "Object": You can create several objects for different cases and here you have to choose one of them Plus button: - There are already pre-existing examples, add your own - Add or delete the object - Add or delete a component in the existing object - Add or delete options for the category - Include or exclude an option from the compilator by tapping on it (green checkmark) - Add an image to the item option from the photo library or use the camera Start: - For each component will be randomly chosen one (or more if set) item option and shown on the next screen - If the item contains an image you can also enlarge and zoom it if needed

