In the depths of the cosmos, a divine empire teeters on the brink of collapse. Its gods, once united, now wage a celestial war, their divine struggles fueled by the Lord of Chaos's treasonous invocation of forbidden forces. The fabric of reality has been torn asunder, birthing a portal to parallel dimensions and drawing in an influx of heroes from across the multiverse. These strangers, bearing extraordinary abilities forged in alternate worlds, have arrived in a desperate bid to claim the empire's power. However, they've unwittingly brought with them a primordial evil – an insidious force that corrupts the hearts of gods and mortals alike, transforming them into mindless, formless abominations. As the darkness spreads, zombie hordes scatter the land, laying waste to entire cities. With the empire in shambles, all hope seems lost. Yet, a spark of resilience remains – an ordinary mortal has stumbled upon the power to summon celestial warriors, and now embarks on a perilous quest to reclaim their shattered homeland.