

By Henry C Frigon

  • Categoria: Social Networking
  • Data Rilascio: 2024-10-09
  • Versione Attuale: 1.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • Dimensione File: 27.99 MB
  • Sviluppatore: Henry C Frigon
  • Compatibilità: Richiede iOS 15.1 o successivo.


According to Steve Siegle of the Mayo Clinic, kindness is “a quality of being you can cultivate.” This is particularly good news for those who are confused about how to be intentionally kind. Looking at kindness from the perspective of the person who’s being kind, Siegle tells us kindness boosts the feel-good hormones, serotonin and dopamine, and “can decrease blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone directly correlated with stress levels.” So not only are we positively impacting others, kindness is a well-being medicine for us too. Discover CompassioNet, the ultimate community service app that connects volunteers with impactful opportunities. Designed to simplify volunteer coordination, CompassioNet makes it easy for organizers to manage events while helping volunteers find and schedule meaningful experiences with ease. Join the network today and make a difference in your community!

