Humanizer Text - AI Detector is your ultimate tool for identifying AI-generated text and transforming it into more natural, human-like language. Whether you need to detect AI-written content for authenticity checks or improve text by adding a personal touch, this app has you covered. Using advanced AI detection algorithms, it swiftly identifies machine-generated content and offers humanization suggestions to make the text feel more relatable and authentic. Perfect for writers, professionals, and educators seeking originality and a natural tone in their work. Key Features: • Detect AI-generated text instantly. • Humanize content with tailored suggestions. • Ensure authenticity and improve writing quality. • Simple, fast, and accurate detection. Included Subscriptions Weekly Access : $4.99 per week Monthly Access : $14.99 per month Yearly Access : $39.99 per year Lifetime Access : $69.99 for forever Download Humanizer Text - AI Detector today and take control of content authenticity! Terms of Use: Privacy Policy :